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How to Generate, Invoice and Charge Meet Fees Batches/Reports from Entries
How to Generate, Invoice and Charge Meet Fees Batches/Reports from Entries
Updated over 3 months ago

Once you generate a Meet Fee Batch, you can create invoices for everyone in the batch and charge those fees immediately to anyone with a credit card on file.

How to Generate Meet Fees Batches/Reports

  1. Click Events & Competition > Team Events in the left navigation menu.

  2. Click the desired event's Edit Commitment button.

  3. Click the Committed Athletes tab.

  4. From the Export section, click Generate Entry Files.

  5. Click the desired link under section 2 to generate a meet entry fees report to submit to the meet host, then download the file.

    • You may skip the rest of the steps.

  6. If you want to generate the fees for only one Roster Group, Billing Group, or Location, under Generate Meet Entry Fees Batch, check the desired option, then select from the dropdown that appears.

  7. Enter any desired notes.

    • Notes are only visible to Admins who will process the batch. If you generate fees only for a specific location, you can type Bachelor Kids, for example.

  8. Click Generate Entry Fees Batch NOW and OK to confirm.

    • A fee batch is generated and displayed on the Meet Entry Fees screen. Be sure to review for accuracy.

    • The system notifies the billing administrator when the meet fee batch is generated.

Once you have generated the batch, access and process the Meet Fees batch to charge fees immediately or send an invoice.

How to Access Meet Fees Batches

NOTE: If you have generated a fees batch now and are still on the batch screen or clicked the email link about batch meet fees generated, skip to How to Process Meet Fees Batch.

  1. Click Business Tools > Meet Fee Billing at the left navigation menu.

  2. A list of all batches to be processed is displayed.

  3. Click Customize Columns to include more data, such as Batch Generated By and Total Fees.

  4. Click Saved Views to change the list view, then click Done.

    • The default view is Pending Batches, where the Invoiced Status filter is None and Partial. There are two other views available — All Batches and Completed Batches.

  5. Select one or more batches and click Edit > Delete to delete them.

  6. Select one or more batches and click Export > Custom Excel Export to create a spreadsheet of the selected batches.

  7. Click Expand if you've added more columns to see all the data simultaneously. Click Collapse to return.

  8. Click a batch number to access its details, invoice the fees, and/or charge them.

How to Process Meet Fees Batch

Once you generate the batch, you will see the batch number, notes, a summary of events, and charges.

Helpful Tip! If you do not want to charge while processing the batch but automatically charge it on a future date, adjust your Due Plan with the desired charge date before starting this process. Once you finish processing the batch, revert the Due Plan information.

Meet Entry Fees Batch

Dollar amounts show $0 until you generate the batch. You can do the following:

  • Select the desired checkboxes by Members' names.

  • Email Accounts or Members by clicking Communicate > Email Accounts or Email Members. Compose the email and click Send.

  • To generate an Excel spreadsheet of all the data, click Export > Custom Excel Export. Select any additional fields you want to include and click Create Report.

  • To generate invoices and/or charge credit cards for fees, click Action > Create invoice items & Charge CC or Create invoice items Only. Enter and review the fees.

Helpful Tip! Create invoice items & Charge CC creates invoices for the selected Members and charges if they have a CC on file. Families will receive an email with a link to view the charges. Those without CCs will see the charges on next month's invoice. Use Create invoice items Only if your team does not have electronic processing or you want to let Auto Pay take care of the charges on the 1st of next month, along with other charges in their account.​

  1. If using Option 1, click View/Edit to see those fees listed in the Team Charges column.

    • You may click Edit in any row to change the fees.

    • NOTE: Option 1 pulls the individual event and relay fees from the meet setup.

      Team Charges

  2. Click Select to choose a different meet.

  3. If you want to enter different fees across the board, or the meet setup does not have any Team Charges defined, select Option 2: Use Custom Fees, then enter the Individual Event Fee and Relay Event Fees (charged per athlete, NOT per relay). This action updates the total.

  4. The Meet name appears on each person's invoice. Change it if desired.

  5. Enter the per-athlete surcharge, if any; the system does not pull any surcharges from the entry file, so please add any applicable surcharge. This action updates the total.

  6. Select the Chart of Account to use for all these fees.

  7. Carefully review all the charges for each athlete and click Cancel if something isn't right.

    • The totals reflect the individual event fees, relay fees, and surcharges and dynamically update if you change any of them.

    • Once you create the invoices, they are not easy to edit.

    • If you previously created invoices for any Members earlier, a warning displays at the top and next to the specific Members. Click Cancel, uncheck the members, and generate the invoices again. If you ignore the warning, it will not invoice or charge them again.

  8. Once you see the total fees at the bottom, click Create Invoice Items & Charge CC or Create Invoice Items Only.

    • If you charged those accounts with the CC on file, you will see the result of the CC processing.

Those invoiced will receive an email informing them, with a link to view the invoices. The invoices generated appear in each Account, including any correspondent CC charges.

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