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How to Generate Meet Fees from Results
Updated over 5 months ago

Permissions are required to generate meet fees. Click here to learn how to view your permissions.

  1. First, import the meet results like normal by navigating to Events & Competition > Meet Results > Results by Meets > Import Meet Results for My Team. When it completes, you will see a new row with the meet name.

  2. Click Gen Entry Fees by the newly imported results.

  3. Enter Notes if desired.

  4. Click Generate Entry Fees Batch NOW.

    • This will generate a batch from the meet results, like when generating them for meet entries.

  5. If you are a SuperUser or full access Financial Admin, you may then process the meet fees batch. The only difference from processing them from meet entries is Option 2: Use Custom Fees will be selected by default and you will need to enter the fees since the results are not connected to a meet.

    • You may still select Option 1 and manually connect to an existing meet.

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