How to Generate Meet Fees from Results
Updated over a week ago

You must have Admin Level - Webmaster access to generate meet fees from results.

  1. First, import the meet results like normal by navigating to Events & Competition > Meet Results > Results by Meets > Import Meet Results for My Team. You will see a new row with the meet name when it completes.

  2. Click Gen Entry Fees by the newly imported results.

  3. Enter Notes if desired.

  4. Click Generate Entry Fees Batch NOW. This will generate a batch from the meet results just like when generating them for meet entries.

  5. If you are a SuperUser or full access Financial Admin, you may then process the meet fees batch. The only difference from processing them from meet entries is Option 2: Use Custom Fees will be selected by default and you will need to enter the fees since the results are not connected to a meet. You may still select Option 1 and manually connect to an existing meet.

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