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How to Add a New Class
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Now that the entire class setup is complete, we’ll add a class.

How to Add a New Class

  1. In the side menu, click Classes > Class Admin.

  2. On the right side, click + New Class.

  3. Fill out the class information.

  4. Scroll down the page to agreements, click on the box, and select the agreements to include.

Class Date and Time

  1. Click the Class Date/Time tab.

  2. Enter:

    • Time Zone: Double-check that the correct time zone is selected for your class.

    • Class Start/End Date: Enter the date of when the session begins and then ends.

    • Display Starting From: Enter the date you would like this class to appear on the Class Registration homepage for your accounts.

    • Class Length: Enter the length of the class in minutes.

    • Open for Registration: Scroll down to enter when you want Registration to Open and Close.

  3. When finished, click Save & Continue.

Reg Slot and Instructors

  1. Click the Reg Slot & Instructors tab.

  2. To create a new slot, click + New Reg Slot.

    • Enter a new Registration Slot Row for each day/time you offer the class. At least one is required.

    • Example: I offer Kids Karate five times a week and have five unique slot rows. If Kids Karate is required to attend two days a week, those times will be on the same Reg Slot row.

  3. Slot Limit - Enter the maximum number of students who can sign up for this time slot.

  4. Enter the time(s) the class meets in one or more days.

  5. Optionally select which instructors teach that slot. This will allow them to take attendance via the mobile app.

  6. When finished, click Save & Continue.


From the Discounts tab, click the discount option needed for the class.

  1. Radio Button One: Discounts can be set up in Class Settings and then assigned to Sub-Programs. If you assign a discount plan to the class "Sub-Program," it will populate for you automatically.

  2. Radio Button Two: Select the plan assigned from the sub-program from the drop-down menu under Use a Custom Discount Plan to override it.

    • Or use the +New Discount Plan to create a brand-new one.

  3. Radio Button Three: No Discounts are available for this class.

  4. When finished, click Save & Continue.

Payment Plans

  1. Click the Class Payment Plans tab.

  2. Click + New Plan. (You may have as many payment plans as needed.)

  3. Enter the Plan Name.

    • Include your Class title in the Payment Plan name, plus a descriptive item like 'monthly.'

  4. Select the Registration Default checkbox to Choose if this should be the default plan selected during the shopping cart checkout.

  5. If you want the public to see this plan, select the Visible at Registration checkbox.

    • This plan will be available at checkout.

  6. Click + Payment Plan Item.

    • You may have as many payment plan items as needed.

  7. Fill out the Charge Name.

    • This is the line item included in the plan name. ProTip: Be specific. Examples: Monthly Tuition, Equipment Fees, and Spring Show 20XX.

  8. If the item is discountable, click Yes. If not, click No.

    • Yes will qualify for your available discounts. This is common for tuition.

    • No does not qualify for discounts and is common for uniforms and competition fees.

  9. Choose if the item is recurring, non-recurring, or installment plan.

    • Recurring happens every month, week, or day the class runs. Non-recurring charges are one-time or on a custom schedule that is not monthly.

Option 1: Recurring

  1. Enter the Charge Name. This is the name of the Charge Item.

  2. If the item is discountable, click Yes. If not, click No. (this option is only visible if you have turned discounts on in the discounts tab.)

    • Yes - will qualify for your available discounts, a common tuition option.

    • No - does not qualify for discounts, common for uniforms and competition fees.

  3. Enter the Charge Amount. This is the cost of the Class each month.

  4. Choose the correct Charge Category the charge falls under.

  5. Select when the First Charge will be taken.

    • Registration - this means the first payment will be due at registration. We recommend this option!

    • Class Start - The first charge occurs on the member's first day of class, not the first day of the session.

    • Next Charge Date—Charges are rolled into the next billing cycle and posted to an account when the next round of charges comes through. Proration of these charges does not occur.

  6. Fill out the Charges Created date.

    • This is when all future charges will be invoiced each month.

  7. Enter the Payment Due By date - the autopayment date.

  8. If you want to set up proration, select the Prorate Charge option. Learn about Proration and what is best for your organization by clicking here.

  9. Click Save, then click Save & Continue.

Option 2: Non-recurring

  1. Enter the Charge Name. This is the name of the Charge Item.

  2. Choose if this is a Discountable Payment Plan Item.

    • If the item is discountable, click Yes. If not, click No. This option is only visible if you have turned discounts on in the Discounts tab.

      • Yes - will qualify for your available discounts, a common tuition option.

      • No - does not qualify for discounts, common for uniforms and competition fees.

  3. Choose the correct Charge Category the charge falls under.

  4. Enter the Charge Amount.

    • This is the cost of the class each month.

  5. Select when the first charge is created and when the payment is due.

  6. Add additional installments if needed.

  7. Click Save, then click Save & Continue.

  8. Create as many payment plan options as needed by clicking + New Plan and following the same steps.

  9. After setting up your class payment plan(s), click Save Changes.

  10. If you want to assign students now, click Assign and select the students you want to add to this class.

  11. When finished, click Save.

Option 3: Rate Plan

Click here to learn more about rate plans.

Option 4: Installment Plan

  1. Enter the Charge Name. This is the name of the Charge Item.

  2. Choose the correct Charge Category the charge falls under.

  3. Enter the Charge Amount.

    • This is the cost of the class each month.

  4. Select how the installment is billed, and enter the desired flat rate or percentage.

  5. Select when the first charge is created and when the payment is due.

  6. Select the desired end date option.

  7. Select when the first charge is created and when the payment is due.

  8. Select if the installments should be prorated for members and how to prorate.

  9. When finished, click Save.

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