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How to Update the EV3 File on Events
Updated over 7 months ago

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Sometimes, you must reload a meet entry file when the meet host sends an updated ev3 file. Unfortunately, reloading the events file will erase all the event entries, although it will retain their commitment to attend the meet. We recommend noting which events they're in via the Entry Report (or cloning the event), then reimporting the file and using QuickEntries to re-enter the event selections; see the below steps.

If you have an extremely large meet with only a few changes to the events file, you may find it easier to let the meet host know the additional selections and have them manually enter the changes in Meet Manager.

First, generate the Entry Report. Note that athlete entries must be approved to appear on the Entry Report.

  1. Click Events & Competition > Team Events from the left navigation menu.

  2. Find your desired event and click its Edit Commitment button.

  3. Click the Committed Athletes tab.

  4. Click the Entry Report button.

  5. Under the Sorting header, change the Sort by drop-down to Athlete Name and check Two-Column Format check box.

  6. Click Generate Report Now!

Next, re-import the entry file and use QuickEntries to re-enter the athletes.

  1. Go back to the Events Page.

  2. Click [Edit] next to the desired event.

  3. Under Step 3 of the Event Edit Screen, select the Remove Meet Events file above & re-import the radio button.

  4. Click Browse to select the ev3 or zip file from your device.

  5. Click Save Changes, and that event structure will repopulate this event.

  6. Click Edit Commitment under the desired event again.

  7. Click the Committed Athletes tab.

  8. From here, use the Quick Entries to re-enter athletes into events using the Entry Report you generated in step 6.

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