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Expert in 5 Minutes: Team Events
Expert in 5 Minutes: Team Events
Updated over 2 months ago

Team Events are used to get people to sign up for a headcount or to choose specific days/sessions, or events in a swim meet.

Add a Team Event

  1. From the left navigation menu, click Events & Competition > Team Events.

  2. Click New Calendar Item > Team Events.

  3. Fill in all fields. Those with a red asterisk are required.

  4. Clicking a blue header's name will collapse/expand it.


    • The location will fill in automatically when attaching an ev3 file.

    • If you leave the Time fields blank, it will default to an all-day event.

    • You may choose multiple Team Event Categories. Click to add/edit/delete categories.

    • If you do not select a Home Page Tab selection, it will default to Swim Meet.

    • Checking This Event Visible Only to Webmaster and Above will hide the event until you're ready to share it.

    • The event is public unless you choose otherwise.

  6. TEAM EVENT SIGNUP / REGISTER—This section is key to determining how you want people to sign up.

    • Send Declaration Confirmation Emails—This only applies to Yes/No events and Meet Manager/Meet Events File events.

    • DO NOT Allow Team Member to Signup / Register for This Event— This is an informational event, like if you need folks to work jobs. We recommend adding a General Event instead, as the process is simpler.

    • Allow Online Registration; Connect to eReg System— eReg set up will launch after clicking Create on the event.

    • Allow Online Registration; Response with Yes / No—Perfect for events that need a headcount. Note: Use the "Allow Online Registration; Meet Manager/ Meet Events ... " option instead if it's a swim meet and you want athletes to be able to select days/sessions but not events.

    • Allow Online Registration; Meet Manager / Meet Events File to Allow Online Meet Entry—Arguably the most common option used.

      • Next, click the + .ev3/.zip button that appears.

      • Find the meet events file from Meet Manager (either has an .ev3 or .zip extension) and double click it, or click it and then click Open.

      • Once you create the event and edit it again (we recommend doing this right away), you will see additional fields (see Edit Team Event section below).


    • If you want people to sign up for jobs at this event, select a Job Signup Deadline date. Selecting a date will cause the Job Signup button to appear in the event on the calendar and disappear when you select it. You will then need to set up jobs for the event. The deadline for users to sign up AND remove sign-ups is the same. Some teams want one-way signup, where people can sign up but not cancel. However, if people cannot attend and cannot cancel, you will be left with an inaccurate headcount.

    • If you want to limit how many jobs an account can sign up for, enter that number in the Per Account Signup Limit field, otherwise, leave it blank.

  8. FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS—When someone does not meet one of the requirements you set, they cannot declare their athletes for this meet. Note with the first two checkboxes, you can only select one or the other.

    • Restrict Declaration to Accounts with a Balance No Greater Than

    • Restrict Declaration to Accounts with a Balance That Is No Older Than—We recommend setting this to no more than 60 days.

    • Restrict Declaration to Accounts with Credit Card on File and Restrict Declaration to Accounts with ACH on File—We recommend checking both of these to get away from all the problems associated with taking payments by check.


    • Title Picture— Photos show in the calendar, both in the List view and when hovering over the event in the Day/Week/Month view. Drag and drop a photo or click the + Change button.

    • Content editor— Event details will appear when a parent clicks More + or tap the meet.

  10. IMPORTANT NOTES— Adds important notes to the Athlete Signup page.

  11. FORMS / DOCUMENTS—The perfect place for waivers, meet flyers, etc. You may drag and drop files directly in this area, or use the + Files button.

  12. PHOTOS—Any additional photos you want to include.


    • Restrict Declaration to ONLY the groups defined below— Select this option when selecting different Billing or Roster groups, so only they can sign up. Do not use this option if you'd like to allow those outside these groups to sign up.

      • Email to ALL Active Members

      • Email ONLY to these Billing Groups and Email ONLY to the Following Roster Groups at the Following Locations—After selecting one of these, select the groups/locations to which you want to restrict entry and/or email.

    • The name and email address associated with your login appear in the "From" address.

    • Check Automatically Email This Team Event Notification to All the Active Members 7 Days Before the Registration Deadline? if you want to send a reminder.

  14. Click Create.

Edit a Team Event

  1. Navigate to the Calendar page.

  2. Click the event's Edit button.

  3. If you created an event with an events file, using the 4th Allow Online Registration; Meet Manager / Meet Events File to Allow Online Meet Entry radio button, you will see many additional fields listed under the headers below.


    • Course Order—Set by the meet host. If you see NTs for everyone's entry times, sometimes a meet host will accidentally set the Course Order to LO (use LCM times ONLY), for example, instead of L (convert all best times to LCM). When this is the case, check if this was their intention, and change it to L if not.

    • Use Date Since— Choose a date you'd like the meet results to use for entry times. If you see NTs for everyone's entry times, check if this is set incorrectly, such as the date of the meet, instead of the start of the season or earlier.

    • Meet Type—If you need to limit entry times to those from sanctioned meets of one kind or another, click in this field to select from existing types (you can select more than one), or click to add/edit/delete Meet Types. When you select one or more types, Restrict entry [Best Time] to same [Meet Type] automatically gets checked, and unchecked when all types are removed. Note: You will need to set meet types for existing results in your system before this will work.

    • Allow Swimmers to Commit by—This defaults to Commit by Event, where athletes can select which events they want to swim. Note that coaches must still approve the events they select. Select Commit by Session if you only want them to be able to choose which days/sessions they will swim instead.

    • Enforce [Qualifying Times]—When selected, if there are qualifying times in the events file, athletes cannot enter events without qualifying. When unchecked, their unqualified times show in red, but they can still enter the event.

    • If Swimmer Qualifies for Non-conforming Course, Default [Entry Time] to the Minimum [Qualify Time]—Only check this if there are qualifying times and the Course Order is set to a multi-cut meet, such as LSY. Suppose the minimum qualifying LCM time is 32.08. When checked, if the swimmer has a qualifying SCY time but not a qualifying LCM time, rather than use their best SCY time, SwimOffice will enter their seed time as 32.08.

  5. TEAM EVENT SIGNUP / REGISTER—If the host provided an updated ev3 file, you may click the + .ev3/.zip button to load the new one. But, a huge WARNING if you do this: IT WILL ERASE ALL EXISTING EVENT COMMITMENTS. That is, all meet commitments will be preserved, but any event selections will be lost. So BEFORE you update the ev3 file, you will need to generate an entry report so that you know all the existing commitments, then update the ev3 file, then use QuickEntries to re-enter the athletes in their previously selected events.

  6. EVENT ENTRY FEES—These are pulled straight from the events file. By default, they are used when generating meet fees for your team.

  7. MAX ENTRIES FOR THIS MEET PER SWIMMER and MAX ENTRIES FOR SESSION PER SWIMMER—These are pulled straight from the events file, but the host may not have set them.

  8. Click Save when finished editing.

Clone a Team Event

If you have an event that you want to reuse where only a few details are different, you can clone it. Note that only the event details get copied over; otherwise, it is a brand-new event. Any jobs, attachments, photos, event files, and athlete commitments will need to be added.

  1. Edit the desired event.

  2. Change the details to reflect the new event, such as the dates. Do NOT add any new ev3 files, photos, or documents at this point. We strongly recommend changing the Title so you can tell the cloned meet from the original.

  3. Click Save & Clone.

  4. Edit the newly cloned event to add any elements you want, such as an ev3 file, documents, etc.

  5. If there are Job Signups for this event, you will need to add the needed jobs. Feel free to clone jobs from a prior event, such as the one you cloned.

Job Signups

Click an event's Job Signups button to access and manage them. This will take you to the Event Job Signup page.

Click here to learn more about job signups.

Edit Commitments / Manage Athlete Signups

Access and manage swimmer commitments by clicking the Edit Commitment button by an event.

This will take you to the Event Signup page.

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