How to Customize and Save a Filter for PoS Orders
Click Point of Sale > Orders from the left navigation menu.
From the upper right-hand side, select the store Location.
To the right of the search box, click Customize Filters...
From here, you can filter by:
One or more specific account holders.
Payment Methods
Credit Card
Billing Groups
One or more specific billing group(s).
Sub Billing Groups
One or more specific sub-billing group(s).
Has Return Items?
One or more specific location(s).
One or more specific user(s).
Sale Amount From/To
Include Archived Orders
No - only archived orders
Yes, all orders.
Click Apply once satisfied with the custom filters.
To the right of the Customize Filters button, click Save.
Enter a name for this view.
Click Save.
How to Customize Columns for PoS Orders
Click Point of Sale > Orders from the left navigation menu.
From the upper right-hand side, select the store location.
From the upper right-hand side of the table, click Customize Columns...
From the available columns, click + Add, and from the selected columns, click - Remove. You may also sort the selected columns as desired.
Once satisfied with the customization, click Apply.