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All CollectionsFor Swim AdminsMeet Results, Times, and Entries
Why Doesn't Update Times Use Recent Results?
Why Doesn't Update Times Use Recent Results?
Updated over 7 months ago

Permissions are required to check mistmatches. Click here to learn how to view your permissions.

There are two possibilities as to why this may occur:

  • If all athletes are not using recent results, it's usually due to a course type mismatch.

  • One or two athletes usually means there is an ID mismatch.

How to Check For a Course Type Mismatch

  1. Click Events & Competition > Team Events from the left navigation menu.

  2. Click your desired event’s Edit Commitment button.

  3. From Athlete Signup, check to see what the host set the course as.

  4. Confirm this is the exact course type as the meet you uploaded by going from Events & Competition > Meet Results.

  5. Click the Results By Meets tab.

  6. Find the meet and check the Course.

  7. The system will not use the new times if these courses differ. Ask if the host will let you change the event's course type. If they agree, you can update the event's course type and best times.

How to Check for USA ID Mismatch

  1. Click Events & Competition > Results by Athlete from the left navigation menu.

  2. Bring up the Athlete in question using the filters.

  3. Check the newest meet USA ID# and compare it with the previous one.

    • If they are not identical, you must merge results into one good USA ID#.

  4. Update times again if applicable.

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