NOTE: The steps below are for non-automatic waitlist classes. To learn more about automatic waitlists, click here.
From the left navigation menu, click Classes > Class Admin.
Search for the class and click the gear icon to the right of the class name.
Click the Registrations tab.
To Approve a Waitlisted Student
NOTE: Registrations paid by check are automatically waitlisted and must be approved.
Select Waiting from the statuses drop-down if desired.
To the student's right, under Actions, click the checkmark.
Enter the check number/payment, and click Pay Now.
To Move an Athlete to a Different Class
Select the filters to find the student(s) and click Search.
Select the student(s) to move.
Click Actions... > Move Class icon.
Locate and click the desired class.
Assign a reg slot and payment plan to each student.
Click the x icon under Reg Fee to waive the fee.
To re-add the fee, click the + icon.
Select the payment type.
Pay by Account CC, Pay by Check, and Pay by Cash will record a payment. To move the athlete without payment, select Waitlist and Pay Later.
Click Save Registrations.
Click OK to confirm the move.
Helpful Tip! You can see the transfer information in the Status column on the class Registrations tab. Hover over Transferred to see which class the member was transferred from and the registration details.