The Instructor Report gives access to search by classes and instructors, filter by session, program, sub-program, and classes, and quick filter by date, location, class status, and instructor.
The class lineup can be exported to Excel or printed as a PDF.
From the left navigation menu, click Classes > Class Admin.
Click Reports > Instructor Report from the top horizontal menu.
Use the search function and filters to customize your report.
The search functionality allows you to:
View a specific class.
View all of the classes led by a particular instructor.
The Customize Filter button can be clicked to view the desired sessions, programs, sub-programs, and classes.
The quick filters can be used to view classes:
Within a specific date range.
At a chosen location.
That is active/past.
Taught by the instructor(s) selected.
The Class title is clickable. Click the class title to open a window to edit the class. Close the window to return to the instructor report.
Once the report has been filtered, select the desired classes to export or print.
Click Actions > Export to Excel or Print.
Export to Excel - downloads a .CSV file identical to the view on screen.
Print - downloads a class schedule as a .PDF based on the filters used.