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Product Updates | January 2025
Product Updates | January 2025
Updated over a month ago

SportsEngine HQ

What's New?

  • Banner with additional information on merging duplicate profiles to the Review Duplicate page in the Member Directory.

What's Improved?

  • Permissions link to specific teams in Season Management.

  • Organization admins can edit membership names after initial publishing.

  • Event Name, Description, All Day Events, and Teams columns now display within Season Management Events.

  • Downloadable template on the Season Management Schedule Import page is now available.

  • Admins can issue refunds without credits.

  • Financial Settings errors now include more detailed explanations.


What's Fixed?

  • Corrected a bug that duplicated teams in Standings.

  • Completed an update to allow team admins to print rosters of linked teams.

  • Resolved an issue where the venue and sub-venue details were not pulled from Team Center into Site Builder.

  • Resolved a bug that prevented users from appearing in Smart Groups when using Membership filters.

  • Fixed the region membership links so users with linked memberships display correctly.

  • Corrected an issue that prevented ACH payments and returns from showing in the Payouts report.

  • Updated the Financial Settings page to show the missing representative requirements.

SportsEngine Motion

What's New?

  • New installment payment plan options for members, including charging in increments or percentage of the total, different payment period frequency by month/week/day, and automatic charging of remaining balances at the end of an installment plan.

What's Improved?

  • Waitlists automatically advance when there are class openings. Users on the waitlist receive emails with a link valid for a customizable time. When the time expires, the system automatically offers the class registration to the next person on the waitlist.

What's Fixed?

  • Fixed an issue where the RSVP feature was unavailable on the mobile app

SportsEngine Play

What's Improved?

  • Create new thumbnails on a new card using tournament logos and colors.

What's Fixed?

  • Fixed an issue that prevented organization watermarks from displaying on Pixellot livestreams.

  • Completed an update to prioritize custom uploaded thumbnails so they show on all apps to improve incorrect image display instances.

SportsEngine Tourney

What's Fixed?

  • Resolved an error where copying a tournament with restricted access resulted in an error.

  • Corrected a bug that prevented the Register Another Team button from showing.

  • Corrected a bug that prevented games from showing when printing a bracket with unscheduled games.

Upcoming Beta Opportunities across SportsEngine

  1. Custom Credentials: Streamlines managing compliance across your organization, providing complete control and visibility into all compliance items.

  2. Watch Links: SportsEngine HQ organizations with Season Management that stream on SportsEngine Play will have links to SportsEngine Play streamed events in MySE, TeamCenter, and schedule pages.

  3. Editable Discounts: Instead of creating a new discount, you can edit previously redeemed ones by adding or removing sale items, changing requirements, etc.

  4. Granular Permissions: Provide specific, targeted permissions to team administrators focused on rostering, communication, scheduling, statistics, or scoring.

If you are interested in signing up for any of the beta opportunities, please contact your Account Manager.

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